Wednesday, December 5, 2012

My Real Life Story

My father has always joked that I was his broken down car that needed to be fixed up. When I was born in the middle of a hot July my parents had several surprises in store for them.  First, I was six weeks early (probably the only time I have been early in my life).  Next they discovered that I was born with a hole in my heart.  Finally, after nights of my parents listening to me consistently crying the nurse practitioner at my pediatrician office came to the realization that I could not see.  I was born legally blind.  Dad knew "this" car had a lot of work needed on her in the days ahead.

Before i developed a memory the cataracts that were on my eyes since birth were removed, and I began wearing thick glasses at six months of age.  My mother, who always made sure my clothes were in style and coordinated throughout my life, matched the ribbon tied around my neck to help me keep my glasses on with my outfit of the day.  I love looking at photographs of my unique style as a baby.  By age four the ribbons were no longer needed and the focus was directed toward my upcoming open heart surgery to close the hole in my heart. I remember holding my favorite fraggle rock stuffed animals (cause that show was such a do back then) and asking the nurses if I could just wait a little bit longer.  Surgery went well and soon after I was riding a tricycle on the hospital pediatric playground. However,  after the first hole was closed they found a murmur (a very tiny hole) that I am still living with today.

My vision has remained steady over the years and my thick glasses have become my style staple.  My parents strived for me to have a "normal" life and encouraged me not to let my disability stand in my way.  I did not.  I pursued my passion for theatre at age five by making an appointment with my elementary school guidance counselor to tell her that I thought our school should put on the play The Wizard of Oz, and I would be more than happy to play Dorothy.  As I grew I sang in chorus and at church, played the school nerd in a play at my middle school (clearly my thick glasses made me a shoe in for the part).  I participated in every theatre production while in high school and even had the opportunity to perform in a production of "Mr. Scrooge" with Jason Mraz while he was in high school and I was in middle school.  He played Bob Cratchet and I was Tiny Tim.  I really enjoy the arts.  My parents encouraged me to study hard and always be involved in school activities and church activities.

I have always been very social, and God has blessed me with many supportive friends throughout my life.  When a group of girls made fun of me in middle school by calling me Kaleidoscope Eyes a group of friends stood up for me.  In high school when I had eye surgery and temporarily went completely blind in my left eye my best friend would come over and read to me from our AP World History text book so I would not fall behind in the class.  My group of friends in college taught me the importance of being true to myself, trusting God, and embracing life.  In graduate school when I struggled finding decent transportation to school and work a group of my friends volunteered to be my drivers.  I cannot drive due to my visual disability. 

When something in life did not come easy to me because of my disability, I was encouraged to keep trying.  I was determined to complete college and graduate school reading assignments even if that meant getting less sleep because I am a much slower reader than my peers.  I love color so much, and I have always loved having my nails painted.  So, in my early high school years I would change the color on my nails almost everyday.  I figured the more I painted them the easier it would be to stay in the lines.  I would get a feel for where my nails were and it would be a less challenging task.  It worked, and I am very proud to say today that I can do my own nails just like everybody else. 

Don't get me wrong the blessing of great friends and determination has helped me in my life, but that doesn't mean everything was always perfect.  I had my embarrassments just like everyone else.  For example, there was the time in fifth grade where I tried to take my jeans off in gym class to dress in my uniform and the jeans got stuck on my shoes that I left on.  I could not pull the jeans up, and I could not pull them off. I sat there in my underwear with jeans hanging around my ankles when my male gym teacher came into the girls locker room to check on me.  There was also the time I was with a group of friends including my crush at a concert and I accidentally locked myself inside a bathroom stall during intermission.  How that happened I'll never know.  It would be wrong of me to mention these moments without mentioning the moment I was out with a boy i liked and laughed so hard that I peed in my pants.  This is definitely a dating don't.
My parents got there wish.  I grew up as normal as possible complete with friends, hobbies, decent grades, and embarrassing moments.  I received a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in 2004, and I completed graduate school with a Masters of Divinity in 2007.  I work as a minister in a church within walking distance of my house.  This allows me to have a little more independence, because I do not have to rely on anyone to drive me back and forth to work. In my job I have the opportunity to minister to people of all ages.  My faith in God is what got me through the last 30 years of my life.  Even, though this is not everyone's view, I personally believe that God chose me to have a disability.  It has really helped me share His love with the world throughout my life.  In graduate school I met my husband and we celebrated our five year anniversary this fall.  We love to watch movies, travel, and explore new restaurants together.  He taught me that when you truly love someone it does not matter that they prop their feet up on empty dining room chairs every night during dinner, steal the covers while you are trying to sleep, and sing really loudly really off key.  Together we parent a cat named Thomas who, let's be honest, is pretty much the one in charge around our home.

Due to the medication that I take to control my glaucoma (a disease i was diagnosed with at age seven that damages the optic nerve and causes vision loss) I am not able to have a baby of my own.  My husband and I are excitedly in the process of adopting a child to expand our family.  I am looking forward to teaching my child all the important lessons I learned while growing up with a disability.  First, have faith in God.  Next speak up for yourself.  Learn to laugh at yourself.  Don't let obstacles get in the way of meeting your goals.  Be patient and persistent.  Do not be afraid to be your true self, and  embrace your style staple (thick glasses or something else) that makes you, you.

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